Thursday, May 1, 2008

What flavor of ice cream are you?

Janet Spaeth made a comment that maybe we'd have ice cream flavors named after us one of these days, and I started thinking about that. Hmm. So I asked my pals to name an ice cream after themselves, and here are the flavors they came up with:

Janet Spaeth, Barbour Books and Heartsong Presents author: Anyone who orders a Janet will get coffee ice cream streaked with hot fudge! Yum!

Sandie Bricker, Summerside Press and Avalon Books author: She’s always been called Red because of her hair, and red velvet cake is one of her faves. So the Sandie would be lots of pieces of red velvet cake mixed into smooth vanilla ice cream. Sounds out of this world and very pretty!

Tina Russo, Woman’s World fiction author and blogger: Vanilla. The Tina Vanilla. Why mess with a good thing? You can dress it up, you can dress it down. It can go anywhere with panache. Vanilla is a classic, like pearls and denim. They aren’t showy; they don’t worry about trends. They don’t have to. They never go out of style.

Rhonda Gibson, Barbour Books and Heartsong Presents author: She loves chocolate but not alone. Nope! Rocky road is her choice, and if it’s a DQ treat, she wants the Chocolate Extreme to be renamed the Rhonda!

Carrie Henderson, Home Shopping Network PI Writer: Smooth vanilla (for the color of her skin), chunks of pineapple (rays of sunshine), and chopped nuts (which she says is self-explanatory ) all in one scoop will be the Carrie.

Margaret Daley, Steeple Hill author: She loves cookie dough, so the Margaret flavored ice cream would have to be chocolate chip cookie dough. Unfortunately, she'd have to ban it from her house because she could eat the whole gallon in a few sessions. It's strictly a special-occasion treat for this gal!

Gail Gaymer Martin, Steeple Hill and Barbour author: Mix some large hunks of peanut butter and peanuts, swirl them with chocolate in some vanilla ice cream, and add some dark chocolate syrup running through the mix for the Gail. Similar to moose tracks only better! Delicious!

Me: I’ve always liked layering, so natural double vanilla with toffee crunch for flavor and swirls of caramel for tone-on-tone color would be my choice for the Debby. Lots of texture and flavor. Plop a strawberry on top for that perfect splash of color.


Janet Spaeth said...

Now I'm craving ice cream. What a yummy bunch we are!

Thanks, Debby, for asking this. This is fun!

Debby Mayne said...

Ice cream is always fun! Thanks for giving me the idea, Janet!

Anonymous said...

This is torture. And I can't even eat ice cream, I am lactose intolerant. But there are some really yummy no milk ice creams out there.

Waving hello to Janet Spaeth!!

Debby Mayne said...

Tina, have you ever tried tofutti, the tofu based ice cream taste-alike? I can't tell the difference.

Reilly and Shane said...

I love your blog. It's so cute and fun!!!! And now the baby wants ice cream too!

Janet Spaeth said...

I've never wanted ice cream as much as I have since you wrote this! It's taking all the willpower I have to drive BY Culver's, drive BY Coldstone Creamery, drive BY the DQ.

I suppose it's good for me, huh, to keep driving by? I'm seriously trying not to be the size of an ice cream truck by RWA!