The day after Thanksgiving this year was a sad one for everyone who ever knew Diann Hunt. She'd been battling ovarian cancer for several years, and eventually the cancer won. Please pray for her family who adored her and her friends who couldn't help but smile when she walked into the room. Diann exuded joy until her final hour.
I'll never forget when I met Diann on the first day of my first ACFW Conference in Denver. She and I instantly bonded during an impromptu shopping trip the day before the workshops started. I still smile when I think about the giggles and the encouragement from Diann as I struggled to find my size. And then on the walk back to the conference hotel, she offered more encouragement about my writing. At the time, I'd sold a few books and novellas, but my career hadn't hit its stride yet. There's no doubt in my mind that her words were just what I needed to hear at the time.
Diann had a huge heart for others, and it showed in her writing. Her characters came to life on the pages of her many novels. Here are some of my favorites with links to purchase them beneath each one:
I also had the pleasure of being in the
Delight Yourself in the Lord...Even on Bad Hair Days devotional with Diann, Sandie Bricker, Kristin Billerbeck, and Trish Perry.
Devotional authors (sitting) Sandie and (standing left to right) Trish, Kristin, me, and Diann. |