Monday, September 24, 2012

Wildlife Sightings

One of the many things I do almost everyday is go for a long three- or four-mile walk through several different neighborhoods and between a couple of lakes. Here in Florida we have wildlife not typically seen in other areas - like alligators. Here's a picture of one I saw resting on the bank a couple weeks ago.

He was about twenty yards from the sidewalk, and that's about as close to them as I'll get. I still didn't waste time moving on after snapping this shot. A few minutes later, I spotted an armadillo scurrying toward a wooded area near the swamp. He moved too quickly to take his picture. 

Most of the time, these animals leave humans alone, unless they are provoked or fed. Once alligators see people as a source of food, they become aggressive. It's against the law to feed alligators, and when I see people who don't understand this, I don't hesitate to speak up.

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