Monday, February 25, 2013

Cherie Burbach's (Lack of) Gardening Skills

Cherie Burbach and her pooch
My friend Cherie Burbach was kind enough to let us in on a little secret about her gardening skills. She claims that she doesn't have any. We still love you, Cherie, but you're right. You might need a few tips from one of the Bloomfield Garden Club members.

Here's what Cherie has to say:

My granny had such a green thumb that people would give her their plants in order to have them revived back to health. I couldn't be more opposite. They say we all have gifts, and gardening certainly isn't mine.
Exhibit A:

These were once marigolds, which I'm told are the easiest things to grow. Ha! They certainly weren't for me. (But do you love how I stuck a pink metal flamingo in the pot and tiny flag to make it seem like there was still color and life in those pots?)
I do, however, love flowers, and even though I can't grow them myself I've come up with a solution.

If you're a member of the Bloomfield Garden Club, you might want to look away for the shame, because every single one of those plants is fake. I got them at Goodwill. But at least I got a good deal! And look how realistic they look! So what if instead of smelling like roses they wreak of mustiness?
In other words. I need gardening help!

I think Naomi might want to get her hands on your garden, Cherie, but this looks like a job for the garden club president Pamela!

Visit Cherie: CherieBlogs
Her Guide site at


Cherie said...

Help me Bloomfield! LOL Thanks for letting me share, Debby.

Debby Mayne said...

Never fear, Cherie! Pamela and Naomi to the rescue!