Monday, November 25, 2013

How to Have a Happy Gluten-Free Thanksgiving

For the past year, I've eaten (mostly) gluten-free. I feel much better, and I've discovered that it's not nearly as difficult as I feared it would be. Not only are quite a few companies making gluten-free products, most restaurants have menus that I can order from.
Photo courtesy of Sideshowmom/

If you are trying to eliminate gluten from your diet, or you're hosting dinner for someone who is, take a peek at some of these recipes. You might even discover that you like them as much as the traditional offerings.

Here are some recipes you might want to try:

Remember that vegetables, fruits, and meat are gluten free, unless it is processed. If you aren't sure, read the label and look for wheat, barley, or rye in the list of ingredients. If they're not listed, you're probably fine.

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