Friday, August 31, 2007

Celebration and good friends!

My friend Beth and I celebrated her new job with yummy ice cream before we headed next door to browse in a variety store. I came home with a hodgepodge of goodies—all stuff I didn’t know I needed until I saw it. Sometimes life is like that. We think we know what we need, but then the Lord presents us with things that have never crossed our minds. Whatever He presents is always better than what we come up with on our own.

I added some wonderful writing craft articles from friends Lisa Mondello and Gail Gaymer Martin to the WRITER STUFF page on my web site, and I expect even more material over the next several days from other friends who love sharing their knowledge. If you’re a writer and you have time, go take a look and see if there’s anything that’ll help you with your own writing.

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